For stories from my Egypt trip, read this blog and this blog
For my story published in Jet Airways' in-flight magazine JetWings, read this
Travelled in: November 2008
For my story published in Jet Airways' in-flight magazine JetWings, read this
Travelled in: November 2008
across Egypt can be tricky without proper planning. Distances by road
are long & it is important to choose the right mode of transport to
get to a place, if you want to avoid tiring out. We travelled by car for
most of our trip. We also flew some sectors.
Egypt by air:
is the only airline available. We booked all our tickets online, from
home. Ensure, especially during peak seasons, to book well in advance;
flights can get booked out surprisingly soon! The website is efficient
& easy to navigate. Make allowances in your itinerary for flight
re-scheduling. We’re glad we did; 2 of our 4 flights were re-scheduled
by a couple of hours & 1 was cancelled & we had to book another
flight. But, for each of these, we did receive email notifications from
Egypt-air much before we were due to travel. Re-booking was mostly
hassle-free. If you receive any such notices during your trip, like we
did; just walk into the local Egypt Air office & they will sort it
for you. It is advised to check your e-mail from time to time during
your stay in Egypt too, to watch out for re-scheduling notifications.
our flights were on time & we did not lose any luggage either,
contrary to a lot of reports that we had read. At the airports, make
sure you are alert; flight boarding announcements are poor and often
announced by the ground staff, without any public announcement system.
Check-in is smooth. Luggage limit is 20 kg per person for check-in. If
you have a higher allowance while flying in from your country, please
check Egypt Air’s policy about allowing the excess luggage without any
charge, for internal flights. This will avoid last minute arguments
during check-in.
checks are not as tight as you would be used to, in other countries. At
immigration, they did not even verify our details; they just let us out
with a quick stamp! Flights typically do not serve meals as the flying
time is short. You will be offered water or juice. For children, elderly
& invalids, it is better to carry some food as necessary. All
airports do have cafes or snack bars where you can pick up something.
Egypt by road:
by road in Egypt was smooth. All the roads we drove on (Aswan to Luxor,
Aswan to Abu Simbel, Sharm to Dahab, Dahab to Sinai, Cairo to Bahariya)
were in good condition.

warned though; even when not in a convoy, there are very few rest stops
during road travel for bathroom breaks. So, when you find one, use it;
there may be none available for a long time.
in the desert is a different ball game altogether: no food or bathroom
breaks unless you arrive at an oasis / town. There are paved roads
linking the oases together, but, if you travel into the desert like we
did, it has to be in a 4-wheel drive. They have to be driven fast over
bumpy surfaces; climbing over sand dunes if necessary, at odd angles.
All in all, it feels like a long rollercoaster ride. People easily prone
to nausea are advised to take anti-nausea tablets before the drive.
Carry some lemon juice, soda or mints; it helps reduce the nausea.
Travelling within towns / cities:
travelled to Aswan, Luxor, Dahab, Bahariya & Cairo. We felt
absolutely safe in each of these places; even when we were out late into
the night. We walked a lot & used public transport. Carry a good
map / guide-book with you. Also carry your hotel address & phone
number at all times. In fact, it is a good idea to ask your hotel staff
to write down both these details for you in Arabic, as it helps if you
have to get directions from people who cannot read English.
picked up a local SIM card for our mobile as soon as we reached Egypt.
It helped us to make calls to our hotel / guide as there are no coin
operated public phones available. You need to get a calling card for
these phones; but, in any case, these phones are hard to come by.

On roads, you can use taxis or a Caleche
(horse carriage). Both require haggling for prices. Obviously, locals
pay considerably less than you do. Ask for what you feel is a fair
price. If it does not work for them, they will refuse. You can always
try the next cab. We would ask our hotel staff before leaving each
morning, for approximate costs between some places & bargain based
on that. Make sure to agree on a price before you get in, confirm if it
is for both of you or per person, confirm if it is in Egyptian Pounds
& not Dollars or Euros. Also, some Caleche drivers are
notorious for deviating off course to take you to ‘this great weekly
market’ or this ‘shop having a sale today’. Refuse; firmly but politely;
it is nothing but tactics to get you to visit shops owned by family
& friends so that they can earn a commission.
All said & done, we loved exploring these places on our own.
Language & communication:
is the official language. Most people, though, also understand English.
It is easy to get by with English, but I would recommend learning a few
Arabic words. It acts as an ice-breaker & does elicit a smile from
most Egyptians. This is not to say that Egyptians are unfriendly
otherwise; they are extremely friendly. We chatted with everybody:
drivers, hotel staff, guides; it gives you a lot of insight into
Egyptian life & lifestyle. Arabic is also useful in small
restaurants & while travelling off the tourist path; for buying
essentials. If nothing works, try sign language or sketching on a piece
of paper…..worked for us!
to recognize Arabic numbers was another life saver for us. All hotels
prepare bills in English. Almost all restaurants too, have English
menus. But, again, off the beaten path, it’s in Arabic. Knowing the
numbers will help you read prices. Also, while shopping in supermarkets,
buying essentials or buying munchies, it helped us tremendously. Prices
are marked up considerably for tourists & if you can read the
Arabic price on the packaging, it helps you know how much you are being
over-charged. More on this in my ‘Food’ tips.
carried very little cash with us. It is sufficient to carry some
Dollars/ Euros / Pounds to use at airports on your way to Egypt. Keep
some more of these currencies as an emergency, to use when ATMs in Egypt
are not working. Also, try & get as much Egyptian Pounds (LE) as
you can (it was a difficult currency to come by in our home country)
before you leave for Egypt. This can help you tide over the first couple
of days in Egypt. Many hotels charge for the room in Dollars or Euros.
For this, we carried the exact amounts in those currencies & used it
to pay the hotel.
you bank that you are travelling to Egypt and will be using your debit
& credit cards. Some people may face problems while in Egypt, as
their banks view this sudden use of cards in a foreign country as
possible fraud & block further card usage. This can lead you to
being stuck without money till the matter is resolved. Also, informing
your bank will make them alert to any misuse of your card back home.
When you make a withdrawal at an ATM, make large withdrawals rather than
many small withdrawals. Most banks levy a standard processing charge
for overseas withdrawal, irrespective of the amount withdrawn. This can
add up to quite a bit.
is advised to keep track of your bank balance while travelling as
sometimes, there are transaction errors. We faced a situation where we
received an ‘unable to dispense money’ error at the ATM, but, our bank
had debited the money from our account. A second try was met with an
‘insufficient funds in the account’ message! Luckily, we had another
account which we could use. Carry at least 2 cards belonging to
different banks. It will help you if you face any problems with one
used Visa, Master & Maestro cards without any problems. Our 4 digit
ATM pin in our home country worked for us in Egypt as well. Please
check your pin usability before you leave. Debit cards linked to savings
accounts worked well. One of our cards linked to a current account did
not work anywhere; all ATMs that we tried did not give us the options to
choose ‘current account’ as the account type.
as much small change as possible, to give away as tips. Use the larger
notes at restaurants & shops and then, save the change. Spend or
convert all Egyptian pounds before you leave Egypt; Forex bureaus back
home had warned us not to get back any LE as they would not buy it from
us. Dollars / Euros work well at airports on the way back home, too.
out for 50 Piastre notes (half an Egyptian Pound or 1/2 LE) which can
be mistaken for 50 Pounds; especially when you are given "change" for
the 100LE you tendered!
is a very tricky & sensitive issue in Egypt. I had done a lot of
background work, so we were prepared for tipping. But, nothing prepared
us for the amounts that were expected as tips. We had read that you have
to pay a ‘few pounds’ as tips to almost everyone; but, to the contrary,
we paid a total of 1500 LE as tips during our 3 week trip! This being
un-expected, did dent our modest budget quite a bit.
is expected whether the service is good or not. We are not averse to
tipping at all, but here, something as small as pointing out the obvious
(say, Horus on a temple wall) demanded a tip. We learnt fast; when
people would come to us offering help which we didn’t need, we would
politely but firmly tell them “No, thanks”. For bad service, we would
leave just a very small tip behind. A few times, people have demanded
more tips & gotten angry. We realised that most people expect such
huge tips only because their livelihood depends on tourism.
over-coming the initial shock & slight anger, we resigned ourselves
to doling out tips as expected; to avoid upsetting anybody including
ourselves. We spoke to our hotel staff & our guide to come up with
this ready-reckoner for tipping (figures for 2008 Dec):
Car driver – 30 min to 4 hours – 15 LE
Car driver – 4 to 6 hrs (half day) – 25 LE
Car driver – full day / driving between cities – 50 LE / depending on distances
Guide – half day - 30 LE
Guide – full day – 50 LE
Egyptologist guide – maybe 75-100 LE for a full day?
Felucca / motorboat captain – upto 3 hours - 30 LE
Restaurant (not up-market) – minimum 5 LE or 10% of the bill, whichever is more.
For carrying luggage / room service – 5 LE
Toilets / for minding shoes at mosques – 1 LE / 2 LE
For good service – use your discretion
is nice to tip drivers at the end of the day, as you may get a
different driver the next day. Guides can be tipped on the last day. At
our hotel, where we would eat breakfast & maybe 1 other meal, we
would tip every day. At hotels, you can also leave a tip for the
cleaning staff at the end of your stay. While in restaurants that have a
service charge, it is still nice to tip the waiter separately, as the
service charge is distributed only at the end of the month.
tip in the local currency. It is advised to keep all the change
required for tipping in a separate pouch so that you don’t have to dig
into a loaded wallet while tipping. Of all the places we went to, Aswan,
Luxor & Cairo are where tips were demanded. In Bahariya &
Dahab, all the people we tipped were pleasantly surprised & there
was no demanding.
Clothing / Climate:
followed all the advice given to us on various travel forums &
dressed sensibly - Full length bottoms or capris, with modest tops /
t-shirts. Half sleeves were not a problem anywhere. In beaches /
resorts, you can dress like you would in a beach anywhere else in the
world. Sleeveless clothing was quite ok in Cairo….just remember to carry
a scarf / stole to throw over your shoulders, for visits to mosques.
All this minimised being stared at or comments being passed. Despite
this, we were stared at, quite openly; everywhere and by both men &
women! Don’t take offence……a lot of times, it is just general curiosity.
the weather when you go. Even in December, it can be quite hot during
the day & cool at night. During the day, use a lot of sun-block,
sun-glasses & a cap / hat. You can tan quite a bit despite this. It
is cool at night in Aswan, Luxor & Dahab; take something light to
cover up. Cairo gets cooler than these places. The desert is the
coldest, with temperatures at night hovering around 5-10 degrees
celcius. The wind, of course, makes it much colder than what 5-10
degrees would feel like in a city.

in Nov/Dec was at 4.45 or 5 pm. It can be quite disorienting to have
the darkness set in so early if you are not used to it.
Food & drink:
not drink water from anywhere; stick to bottled water. Do not eat raw
food. Be careful where you eat salads or drink fresh juice & as a
rule, eat food that’s piping hot. We just did all of this & came
back after 3 weeks, with no signs of the ‘mummy tummy’.
you buy any food / munchies from bakeries, stores or supermarkets,
beware of how much you are being charged. I don’t know if anyone else
has faced this problem. As tourists, we don’t mind paying slightly
marked-up prices but, we were asked ridiculous sums like 35 LE for a
pack of Pringles / a can of cola or 20 LE for a candy bar (locals pay
just 2 to 4 LE for things like this). As a result, every time we wanted
to munch on something, we had to go to a restaurant which had a printed
menu. This is not even at temples & other sites but within the city
itself. This is when it was useful to read the actual price printed in
Arabic. We faced this problem in Aswan, Luxor and to a lesser extent, in
Dahab. At Cairo & Bahariya, we got everything for the printed
combat this, we would request our guide to buy something for us. Else,
you could also ask your hotel staff to get you something & then tip
them. Another way to beat this ridiculous pricing is to buy snacks or
essentials at pharmacies (some pharmacies stock limited snacks) as
opposed to supermarkets. Most of the pharmacies sold us things at actual
going to sites, avoid buying anything there unless you absolutely have
to…prices are expensive there. Carry some food & water. But, on a
long day of site hopping, it becomes impractical to lug so many things
around. On such days, it is wiser to buy & eat at sites.
of December 2008, food was most expensive at Luxor & Dahab (approx.
50 LE per person per meal). Aswan, Bahariya & Cairo were the
cheapest (approx. 25 LE per person per meal). Cairo has the most
variety: from cheap food (5 LE per person per meal !) to the most
expensive options. Prices are at sit-down restaurants & without
Vegetarians in Egypt:
vegetarian in Egypt is a slight disadvantage, for very long trips such
as ours. After a few weeks, the lack of vegetarian options gets to you.
One option is to self cater. The other, which we adopted, is to taste
every vegetarian option in the book & rotate what you order, so that
you don’t tire of anything. We did not eat at any up-market
restaurants. Here’s what’s available for vegetarians at all local
Salads, fresh fruit, fresh juice, karkadeh (hibiscus flower juice).
Difficult for staunch vegetarians; all soups contain chicken stock /
meat stock, including tomato soup. The only meat-free option is lentil
Main course: Aish (Bread) or rice, eaten with Tagen (claypot) vegetables or Fuul
(faava beans in gravy). Other options are Spaghetti with tomato sauce
or macaroni & cheese, Pizza Margherita, potatoes in gravy &
French fries. Moussaka & Ratatouille too are available, although
Dips: Tahini (sesame seed paste), Hummus (chick-pea paste) & Babaghanoush (Eggplant paste)
Mezze: There are vegetables / vine leaves stuffed with rice and a lot of eggplant based options.
Dessert: most have eggs so it’s difficult to have dessert if you don’t eat eggs.
you eat eggs, you can add omelets & crepes to your list of food
options. Cairo affords more options than other towns – Falafel & my
favourite, the Kushari.

you are looking for specialties like Nubian or Bedouin work, it is best
to pick them up at the local souqs rather than at Khan-Al-Khalili. Not
only is the best variety available in the local souqs, the prices too
are considerably cheaper than Cairo.
you plan to visit factories - perfume, alabaster, papyrus, carpets etc,
remember not to be forced into buying anything. Visiting these
factories can be good as they explain how these products are made, but,
there is a lot of hard-sell. If you are uncomfortable about it, make
sure you let your guide know that you do not want to go….it is quite
okay to do so. If you do visit them, but are not tempted to buy
anything; you can just leave behind a tip for the factory / the person
who showed you the demonstration, as a gesture of appreciation.
the souqs, bargain hard. It can be particularly distressing for people
not used to bargaining. Make your offer, of what you feel is a fair
price. Remember to start well below your final price, as you eventually
have to step up your offer. If it is not viable for the shopkeeper, he
will refuse. Walk away, or say that you’ll think about his final offer
& come back later…..most times, this does the trick & they call
after you. If the shopkeeper had genuinely quoted his lowest price, he
will not call you back….then, you can decide later if you want to go
back or not. Do not feel guilty about haggling but remember: bargain
politely & with a smile…..this allows for no hard feelings. Nobody
will ever sell you anything below cost price, for a loss (contrary to
what they may tell you while selling it). We got most of our purchases
for almost 1/4th the quoted price. Another trick we used is
to ask our hotel staff for ball-park prices of some items like hats,
t-shirts, carpets, keychains, jewellery etc. This way, we had an idea
before-hand, and bargained accordingly.
toilets are of the squat type. Western WCs too are increasingly common,
especially in larger towns & in cities. Do not expect very clean
toilets. Keep lots of toilet paper handy, maybe even disinfectant wipes
for wiping toilet seats. If you know the trick to using a squat toilet,
it is more hygienic as you will not be sharing a seat with thousands of
others. Carry some liquid / paper soap too, as it is non-existent in
these toilets.
many toilets, it is expected that you pay a small charge – 50 piastres
to 1 LE should suffice. Some toilet attendants dole out a small wad of
toilet paper when you go in but, you can never be sure. All toilets will
have water; either a tap or a squirter, for washing.
travelling or going from site to site, make use of all toilet breaks.
In remote locations, it may be a while before you come across the next
small request - we found a lot of toilets choked; not because of lack
of flushing but because tourists try to flush down toilet paper, as they
are probably used to elsewhere. It does not work here; Egyptian
plumbing lines are not designed to take the load of enormous quantities
of toilet paper being flushed down. All toilets have a waste bin; please
dispose the paper in it. There are signs to this effect put up in a lot
of places, but, many people pay no heed to it. Let us do our bit to
keep the toilets clean & working, for other people.
small locks to use on your suitcases / backpacks. That way, you can
leave valuables / cash behind in your hotel room, without worrying. Many
hotels will also have a safe box in the room or at the reception…make
use of them & leave behind passports, jewellery & money. Crowded
areas like souqs could have pick-pockets & it is not advisable to
carry everything on you.
a photo-copy of your passport with you, at all times. Nobody ever asks
you for it, it is just in case of emergencies. While travelling in
convoys & climbing Mt.Sinai, we were asked by our guide to carry our
original passports, so check before you leave your hotel.
beat the heat, leave you hotel early in the morning, as early as 6 am. A
lot of sites open early & are less crowded at that time. In the
afternoons, relax on a felucca (the Nile is quite cool), go for a swim
in your hotel pool, hang out in a café or get into one of the numerous
museums. A lot of the museums are also open (Aswan & Luxor) till
almost 10 pm so you can save them for then, after the other sites close
for the day.
Read this for my Egypt itinerary and more information.
Read this for my Egypt itinerary and more information.
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